Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Financial Aid

CONTACT: finaid@bridgevalley.edu

Apply for Financial Aid

Filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Documentation needed to file the FAFSA online can be found at: http://www.studentaid.gov. From this site, students may apply for a FSAID, download a FAFSA worksheet, file the FAFSA on the Web, and receive follow-up information.

To ensure the timely processing of Financial Aid, it is imperative that students:

  • file early
  • be accurate
  • meet deadlines
  • check myBRIDGE and BridgeValley campus e-mail accounts for important notices

Need Determination

BridgeValley awards financial aid to eligible students after applications and all documentation has been processed. For most programs, determining eligibility also means determining who has financial need.

A uniform, national needs analysis system is used by BridgeValley to determine eligibility and probable amounts of need, based on information which the student (and parents or spouse, if applicable) provides on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The family’s income, number of dependents, etc., are taken into consideration, and the potential family contribution is determined. Income levels do not automatically exclude students from all aid consideration.


As application deadlines vary by program, students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible after October 1st, to allow time for processing prior to deadlines.

The following priority deadline dates are established for Federal Aid programs:

  • Fall Awards…………June 30
  • Spring Awards……..November 30
  • Summer Awards……April 30

Please refer to https://www.bridgevalley.edu/financial-aid for any changes to these deadlines.

Students must have the FAFSA, and all required documentation submitted to the Financial Aid Office prior to the above deadlines. Students who fail to do so should be prepared to cover all college expenses from their own resources, until such time as their application is complete and financial aid has been awarded.

Applications will be accepted at any time throughout the year.

Receiving Financial Aid Offer

Financial Aid Offers are determined by the Financial Aid Office. All Financial Aid Offers are available on a secure web site, myBRIDGE. The Offer from the Financial Aid Office specifies the program(s), the amount of the offer, and the periods during which assistance will be provided.

Return to Title IV Funding

Financial Aid recipients who withdraw or stop attending classes from BridgeValley before 60% of the semester has been completed, may be required to repay a portion of the federal and state aid received. Repayments are based on the number of days a student has been in attendance of their classes.

Delinquent Accounts

BridgeValley Community and Technical College will not issue a degree, transcript, or a grade report to any student who has a delinquent account. A delinquent student will not be readmitted to the college until all balances due are paid.


Payment of Fees

Students should be prepared to pay all tuition and fees through direct payment, financial aid, or other resources to complete registration or pre-registration. Direct payment may be made by cash, certified/cashier’s check, money order, or credit card. BridgeValley offers two forms of payment plans to students; the sixty-forty plan, in which 60% of tuition is due at time of registration and 40% is due before the end of six weeks with a $50 service fee, and a monthly payment plan, in which students pay either four or five monthly payments, and a $50 service fee due at the time of the first payment. Credit card payments may be made online through the MyBridge portal. For more information about our payment plans, please contact the Cashier’s Office located in Room 005 on the South Charleston Campus.

Certified/cashier’s checks or money orders should be made payable to BridgeValley Community and Technical College. All payments sent by mail should include the student’s name and B number.

Payments for books and supplies must be made separately from tuition and fees. Each student should be prepared to purchase textbooks and necessary supplies at the beginning of each semester. The average cost of books for a full-time student ranges from less than $100 to more than $500 per class, depending upon the course. 

All students are advised that the first payments received by BridgeValley will be applied to their accounts. Refunds will be processed only after obligations to BridgeValley have been satisfied.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are established annually by the BridgeValley Community and Technical College Board of Governors with secondary approval required by the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education for tuition increases above 5%. Considerable effort is made to keep increases at a minimum.

A current “Schedule of Fees” is available on the College’s website. This document will include the current tuition, mandatory fees, and any special instructional fees. Books, supplies, and other examination expenses are paid separately from BridgeValley charges. Students should consult their academic department for an estimate of these costs.


BridgeValley Community and Technical College refunds are processed through the Financial Affairs Office and are direct deposited through BankMobile. All payments must be reflected on a student’s account before a refund can be processed. Refund requests should be addressed to the BridgeValley Financial Affairs Office. Students are responsible for notifying BridgeValley of a change of address. This may be done in the Registrar’s Office on the on the South Charleston Campus.

Refund Policy for Students Who Withdraw

A student who officially withdraws from college (i.e., withdraws from all classes) through the Registrar’s Office or is administratively withdrawn from college prior to completing 60% of a semester, is entitled to a partial refund of that semester’s tuition/fees. Refund amounts are calculated to the day based on the number of calendar days which have elapsed from the first day of class to the date of withdrawal. The date of withdrawal is the actual date the student notifies the Registrar’s Office of withdrawal. Any student who withdraws at any point during the semester is advised to consult with the Cashiers Office to determine whether there is a balance owing or a refund due.

For a student receiving federal and/or state financial aid who withdraws before completion of 60% of the semester, the amount of federal and/or state financial aid earned will be calculated to the day according to the same formula. Unearned financial aid must be returned. When aid is returned, the student may owe a balance to the College, to the US Department of Education, or to both. Any student receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from college or reducing the number of hours enrolled to determine the impact of these actions on his or her financial aid status.

Special Note

Should conditions warrant, the administration reserves the right to adjust fees and charges without advance notice.

Financial Aid Programs

Students interested in applying for financial aid must complete the FAFSA. The application is submitted online at: www.fafsa.gov.

The BridgeValley school code is 040386.

If financial assistance is needed for more than one-year, new applications must be submitted annually. 

The financial aid awarded to students is based on individual financial need eligibility and may include a combination of various types of aid. Financial Aid packages are intended to provide assistance in paying tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, transportation, and personal expenses. Financial Aid is available to both full and part-time students.

Financial Aid primarily comes in four basic types:

  • Scholarships: Gift aid, based on academic performance or talent in a specific category, with many programs also having need requirements.
  • Grant Programs: Gift aid, money which is not repaid, usually requires need.
  • Employment: Money earned through employment during college.
  • Loans: Money which must be repaid.


A variety of scholarships are available to students. Scholarship awards are based on high academic performance in high school and/or college, financial need, or a combination of need and academic performance. Each scholarship is awarded based on the specific criteria established. All scholarship applicants, who minimally meet the requirements, will be considered for the award: all relevant factors are taken into consideration, and awards do not automatically go to the applicants with the highest cumulative GPA. For more information on available scholarships, visit www.bridgevalley.edu/types-aid.


  • Federal Pell Grants:
    This program provides annual grants to students. Only undergraduate students are eligible for consideration. Students may apply directly to the Federal Government by using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The maximum amount one can receive from this grant is determined by Congress each year. Financial need is the major determinant of eligibility in this program.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG):
    This program provides annual grants to undergraduate students with financial need. FSEOG award is based on enrollment status.
  • Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student Grant Program (HEAPS):
    This program is available to part-time undergraduates who have financial need with a minimum GPA of 2.00 and are a West Virginia resident. This grant is tuition-based and cannot be used for the purchase of books, supplies or any other additional costs.
  • West Virginia Higher Education Grant Program:
    This program is administered by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and is available to those West Virginia students who demonstrate financial need, academic ability and complete the FAFSA by the respective deadline.
  • WV Invests Program: This financial aid program is designed to cover the cost of tuition, mandatory fees and academic program fees for certificate or associate degree programs in specific high-demand fields, as determined by the West Virginia Department of Commerce, at a participating West Virginia public institution.
  • Other State Programs:
    For additional state aid programs please visit www.cfwv.com.

On-Campus Employment

  • Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)
    Federal Work-Study is federally funded financial aid which provides paid work experience as part of the financial aid package. Students must complete the FAFSA, a Federal Work-Study Application and submit a current resume to the Financial Aid Office to apply for this program. FWS is designed to stimulate and promote part-time employment to help defray college expenses. All government guidelines must be met to participate in this program. Like other aid programs, Federal Work-Study is based on financial need. To participate in this program, students must be enrolled for 6 or more credit hours per semester and have a cumulative GPA of 2.00. Students may be employed up to 20 hours weekly while enrolled in classes. The current rate of pay is determined by the Financial Aid Office. All funds are based on availability.


  • Federal Direct Student Loan
    Students who do not qualify for other Financial Aid programs or if additional funds are needed, may apply for a Federal Direct Student Loan. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid prior to applying for a Federal Direct Student Loan.

    The maximum loan amount that can be borrowed is set by the federal government for an undergraduate student; however, the amount in any year may not exceed educational costs as certified by the Financial Aid Office, less other financial aid received. When students decide to apply for a Federal Direct Student Loan, the Financial Aid Office can advise on how to complete the application. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify for a Federal Direct Student Loan.
  • Federal PLUS Loans
    The Federal PLUS Loan program enables parents, with good credit histories, to borrow the educational expenses of each child who is a dependent, undergraduate student, enrolled at least half-time. Repayment of the principal amount of the loan begins within 60 days after the final loan disbursement.

A word of caution about loans:

A loan is money borrowed and MUST be repaid under the terms specified in the Master Promissory Note (MPN), which is signed by the student prior to receiving the first loan disbursement. Before signing the MPN, students should fully understand all rights and responsibilities relative to any loan borrowed.

Repaying a Loan

Loan repayment begins six months after graduation or cessation of half-time enrollment. Repayment must be completed within ten years under the standard repayment plan. The Financial Aid Office will provide information concerning other repayment and deferment options.

In general, the details of repayment are included in the loan description. The terms of the loan(s) will be explained when signing the Master Promissory Note. In addition, before leaving school, for whatever reason, an exit interview will be required. Contact the Financial Aid Office or visit www.studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans for more information.

Other Forms of Financial Aid

Veteran Benefits

Financial assistance is available to veterans who qualify through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Visit www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply to learn how to apply for VA education benefits. Once approved, the VA will issue your Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). You must provide your VA-issued CoE to the College’s Director of Veteran Affairs.

Possible Benefits Include:

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the VA. More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

  • Post 9/11 GI Bill: The Post-9/11 GI Bill is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Post-9/11 GI Bill will become effective for training on or after August 1, 2009. Apply at www.gibill.va.gov®
  • Yellow Ribbon Program Participant: Those receiving the maximum benefit from the Post 9/11 GI Bill can receive additional funding to cover the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees. BridgeValley Community and Technical College has agreed to waive 50% of this difference, and the VA will pay the remaining balance. This means that those students eligible for the maximum Post 9/11 GI Bill should not have to pay any tuition and fees out-of-pocket.
  • Montgomery GI Bill/Chapter 30: (active duty or non-active duty) must have served in the United States Armed Forces for period of two to four years and have been HONORABLY discharged prior to returning to school.
  • Montgomery GI Bill/Chapter 1606: (selected reserve) must have you completed Basic Training and AIT and are now assigned to a Reserve and/or West Virginia National Guard Unit. Please submit copy of DD214 and NOBE (Notice of Basic Eligibility). The NOBE is available from your assigned unit.
  • VR&E (Veteran Readiness & Employment)/Chapter 31: (disabled Veterans) must make application with case worker and have disability rated. The veteran school certifying official (SCO) will receive authorization and certification of entrance or re-entrance into rehabilitation and certification of status.
  • Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program/Chapter 35: (for dependents and spouses of 100% disabled or deceased veterans) must complete Form 22-5490 and submit to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Once a claim is established, the VA will issue a CoE to the dependent/spouse. The student should then make an appointment to see the College’s SCO.

Work-Study Program:

All students eligible for Chapter 30, 31, 35 and 1606 benefits are eligible to apply for VA Work Study. Required forms can be found at: www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/workstudy.asp

Reserve or National Guard Tuition Assistance:

Vocational Rehabilitation

Students with a disability may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation benefits through the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services. Contact a local vocational rehabilitation office for more information and an application.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act & the Regional Workforce Development Board

BridgeValley Community and Technical College System’s involvement with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the regional Workforce Development Boards (WIB) is a commitment to ensure West Virginia’s unemployed, underemployed, and dislocated workers opportunities to train/retrain in a community college setting. These educational programs are limited to approved workforce programs. WIOA participants are also eligible for other forms of financial aid, including Pell Grants and work study. All applicants must first be certified eligible by one of the regional Workforce WV job centers.

HEAPS Grant – Workforce Development Component

The West Virginia Legislature established a Higher Education Adult Part-time Student (HEAPS) Grant Program to address the needs of students who pursue programs of postsecondary education on a part time basis in high demand workforce-oriented programs (credit or non-credit). Students must demonstrate financial need plus meet other qualifications as established in the legislation.

Interested students must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.FAFSA.ed.gov and visit https://www.wvhepc.org/secure/apps/applications/heaps/welcome.aspx to apply for a HEAPs grant. The staff at BridgeValley Community and Technical College assists students to apply for these grant funds, when requested.

Financial Assistance for Students

The purpose of BridgeValley Community and Technical College’s financial assistance program is to provide assistance to qualified students who, without such aid, would be unable to attend college. Assistance is awarded on the basis of need as determined through the Federal Needs Analysis System. All students seeking financial aid are required to complete an online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to be processed by the U.S. Department of Education. The FAFSA is an application for the following Title IV federal aid programs: Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan and Parent PLUS Loan.

Financial Services

Students may submit payment to the Cashier’s Office in Building 2000, Room 005, on the South Charleston campus.

Rights and Responsibilities of Aid Recipients

What Are Student Rights and Obligations?

As consumers of a commodity (financial aid for higher education), students have certain rights to which they are entitled, and certain obligations for which they are responsible. Students have the right to know:

  • What financial assistance is available, including information on federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
  • The deadlines for submitting applications for the financial aid programs available.
  • The cost of attending BridgeValley and BridgeValley’s refund policy.
  • The criteria used by BridgeValley to select financial aid recipients.
  • How BridgeValley determines your financial need.
  • What resources (such as parental contribution, other financial aid, your assets, etc.) are considered in the calculation of financial need.
  • How much financial need, as determined by BridgeValley, has been met.
  • The policy governing inclusion or exclusion of programs comprising a financial aid package. If students believe they have been treated unfairly, they may request reconsideration of their award.
  • What portion of the financial aid received is loan aid and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, students have the right to know what the interest rate is, the total amount that must be repaid, the repayment procedures, the length of time given to repay the loan, and when repayment is to begin.
  • How BridgeValley determines whether students are making satisfactory progress and what happens if they are not.

Consumer Responsibilities of Aid Recipients

It is the student’s responsibility to:

  1. Review and consider all information about BridgeValley before enrolling.
  2. Pay special attention to and accurately complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Errors can result in long delays in receiving financial aid. Intentional misrepresenting of information on application forms for Federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense, subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  3. Complete and return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by the Financial Aid Office
  4. Read all forms prior to signing and keep copies of them.
  5. Accept responsibility for all agreements signed.
  6. Notify the Financial Aid Office of changes in name, address, or enrollment status. (This also applies to loan recipients after leaving BridgeValley.)
  7. Perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a Federal Work-Study award.
  8. Know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
  9. Know and comply with BridgeValley refund procedures.
  10. Notify the Financial Aid Office in advance when enrollment is less than 6 hours. Failure to do so will cause a delay in the receipt of funds.
  11. Notify the Financial Aid Office if receiving other financial assistance. Failure to do so can result in the termination of financial assistance.
  12. Maintain satisfactory academic progress. Withdrawal from BridgeValley or never attending classes will result in termination of financial aid and may result in partial or full repayment of aid disbursed for the semester involved. 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law which states that:

  • A written institutional policy must be established; and
  • A statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available.

The law provides that the institution will maintain confidentiality of student education records. A student may give permission to another party or individual to act as a representative in matters concerning Federal Title IV Financial Assistance. A copy of the form may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. No information pertaining to a student’s educational record, including financial aid, will be released to a third party without the completion of this form.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Students Receiving Financial Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Statutory Guidance

Federal regulations, HEA Sec 484(c), 34 CFR 668.16(e), 34 CFR 668.32(f), and 34 CFR 668.34, require schools offering Federal Student Aid to establish policies to monitor the academic progress of students who apply for and receive federal financial aid. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, which is administered by the Financial Aid Office, may differ from BridgeValley’s Academic Standing Policy, which is administered by Academic Affairs.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

Students must be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of an eligible degree in order to receive financial aid administered by BridgeValley Community and Technical College. SAP for financial aid is calculated at the end of each semester, including summer, to verify that students meet all Federal SAP standards. Federal regulations require academic progress be evaluated both quantitatively (Pace) and qualitatively (GPA). BridgeValley’s SAP policy is applied consistently to both full-time and part-time students and to all eligible degree and certificate programs offered at BridgeValley.  Students receiving assistance from any of the following aid programs must meet standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress:

Federal Programs:

  • Pell Grants
  • Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
  • Federal Work-Study Programs (FWS)
  • William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (DL) Program including:  
    • Subsidized Loans 
    • Unsubsidized Loans
    • Parents’ Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

State Programs:

  • WV Invests Grant
  • West Virginia Higher Education Grant
  • Promise Scholarship
  • WV Nursing Scholarship
  • WV Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship


Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress include a Quantitative Standard-Cumulative GPA, a Qualitative Standard-Pace, Evaluation Increment, and Maximum Time Frame.


Qualitative Standard-Cumulative GPA  

Associate Degree

Hours Attempted    Overall GPA 
0-29                            1.50 
30-44                          1.75
45+                             2.00

Hours Attempted    Overall GPA 
0-15                            1.75 
16+                             2.00

Note: The attempted hours and GPA used in calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress must include credits that may not be calculated in an academic GPA, examples including but not limited to, incomplete grades, developmental courses, academic forgiveness, including D/F repeats, transfer credits, etc. The Financial Aid Office is not permitted to use Academic Amnesty in evaluating GPA. We must count all classes in the calculation of GPA.

All students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA on 4.0 scale. Some programs require that the cumulative GPA be higher than 2.0. When GPA is evaluated for a program requiring a higher standard, BridgeValley must use the higher GPA requirement to determine SAP. 

Incomplete grades will not be used in the calculation of the GPA during the semester in which they are received.  Incomplete grades will be calculated in the GPA in the semester in which a letter grade replaces the incomplete grade. Upon completion of the incomplete course, the instructor will submit a Grade Change form to the Office of the Registrar to update the grade.  Students who do not complete the incomplete course work by the published date in academic calendar will be assigned a failing grade.

Quantitative Standard-Pace

All students must maintain a 67% percent completion percentage throughout their program of study.  The calculation of pace is cumulative. To calculate your completion percentage, you divide the total number of credit hours you have passed by the total number of credit hours you have attempted.  Attempted hours include all college classes you began, including classes from which you withdrew, failed, took at another college, or received an incomplete.

Please Note: Withdrawal, academic forgiveness, incomplete, repeated and non-credit remedial hours are counted for the calculation of hours attempted and GPA. In cases of repeated courses, a student may continue to repeat a failed course and receive Financial Aid until it is passed. Students may only attempt 30-semester hours of developmental (remedial) courses. Once a student has reached the 30 semester hour limit, Financial Aid may not be used to pay for further developmental (remedial coursework), new or repeated. Attempted hours also include all credit hours even if they do not count towards the degree at BridgeValley.

A student is eligible to receive Financial Aid for one repeat when repeating a previously passed course to obtain a higher grade.

  • Allowable: Repeated coursework may be included when determining enrollment status in a term-based program if a student needs to meet an academic standard for a particular previously passed course, such as a minimum grade.
  • Not permissible: A student enrolls in four classes in the fall semester and passes only three of them; the institution requires the student to retake the failed class and also the other three classes because of failing the one class. When the student repeats all four classes in the spring semester, the failed class would be included in the student’s enrollment status, but the three classes passed would not be.

Evaluation Increment

BridgeValley evaluates satisfactory academic progress for both the qualitative and quantitative standards at the end of each semester for all full time and part time eligible degree and certificate program students.

Maximum Time Frame

Federal regulations require a maximum time frame for completion of a degree or certificate. A student will not be eligible for Title IV federal aid if the degree is not completed within 150% of the normal credit hours required to complete the degree or certificate program. Financial Aid will be suspended for students who have attempted 90 or more credit hours for a two-year degree or 45 credits for a certificate.  The number of attempted credits used in determining maximum time frame will include transfer, remedial, failed, and withdrawn credits. Attempted hours also includes all credit hours even if they do not count towards the degree at BridgeValley.

If a student changes their course of study, the hours attempted under all courses of study are included in the calculation of the maximum time frame. The Financial Aid Office will review a student’s eligibility at the end of each semester and will notify students if he/she will no longer be eligible for federal aid programs (grants and loans) for any future semester.

If a student has previously completed an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree, all financial aid will be suspended, but the student has the right to request an appeal.

If a student has met all requirements to receive a degree in his or her stated major, the student must apply for graduation. Change of major is not an option. Refusal to graduate in the intended major will result in financial aid suspension with no possibility to appeal.

Students who have exceeded maximum hours are limited to 2 major changes. Students are permitted to change majors at any time; however, this may result in financial aid suspension.

A student, who has exceeded the maximum hours for his or her major, may not receive Financial Aid to repeat courses on the academic evaluation that are failed or withdrawn.

Admission Status Based Evaluations

Transfer and Readmission  

Students who transfer into BridgeValley Community and Technical College or are seeking readmission to the college who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements will be automatically placed on financial aid suspension but have the option to request an appeal.

Transient students should seek financial assistance from their home school.

First Time Freshman Students

First time freshman students will be awarded financial aid, providing they are in good academic standing and meet all eligibility requirements to receive federal and state funds.

Provisional Admissions

Students who have a provisional admission status will not be granted financial aid until fully admitted to the college.

Definitions of SAP Ineligible Status

  • Suspension Status - Students are placed on financial aid suspension status at the end of the semester causing the student not to meet satisfactory academic progress standards. Students on suspension cannot receive financial aid. Students will be removed from Financial Aid suspension and/or probation when they are in compliance with the GPA and Completion Ratio standards and have not yet exceeded maximum hours allowed.
  • Probation Status - Probation status is granted to students who have successfully appealed.  Students can receive aid during their probationary period after signing and submitting a financial aid appeal Contract to the Financial Aid Office.
  • Warning Status - Warning status may be granted to students with extenuating circumstances (i.e.: A student who was forced to withdraw due to an accident or illness). Appropriate documentation must be provided.
  • Maximum Time Frame Evaluation Status - Maximum Time Frame Evaluation is a probation status granted to students who have successfully appealed a maximum time frame suspension. Students can receive aid during this period after signing and submitting a financial aid appeal contract to the Financial Aid Office.

Regaining Eligibility for Title IV Aid

Students who have lost eligibility for aid may regain eligibility in one of two ways.

  • Paying for classes on your own: You may pay for classes on your own and regain eligibility by increasing your pace of completion and/or your GPA. Once you meet the SAP policy minimum standards you will regain eligibility.
  • Appeals: An approved appeal allows a student to receive federal financial aid while working to meet the pace and GPA standards.

Appeal Process

The student may submit documented reasons to the Financial Aid Office for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Students may appeal Pace, GPA and/or maximum time frame.  Any appeals granted must be well documented as they would otherwise be violations of federal standards.  Due to the condensed timeframe, appeals are not processed for summer terms.  Students on financial aid suspension will need to pay for any summer costs on their own.

Request to Appeal Satisfactory Academic Progress Suspension

Appeals may be decided by the Director of Financial Aid or their designated representative in Financial Aid.  The following documentation must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office:

  • Appeal Form and Academic Plan for Improvement
  • Letter of Extenuating Circumstances
  • Supporting Documentation

Deadlines for Appeals

Students planning to appeal should appeal as soon as they are notified of their financial aid suspension.  Tuition and fees are due by the specified date set by the Business Office each term. To avoid difficulties involved in late payment of tuition and fees, students should submit the appeal promptly and observe the deadline dates. For an appeal to have meaning, the appeal must be granted in time to allow the student’s award to be processed before grades are released for that semester.  In addition, student loans cannot be processed after October 25th for the fall semester and March 25th for the spring semester.  Federal regulations require that once the standing of a student is known, then the award must reflect that information.  Thus, a student granted an appeal before the end of the semester and awarded after the end of the semester may become ineligible for the award by the time the award is granted.  Financial aid appeals cannot be retroactive.

Appeal Procedures
The student must submit a Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form to the Financial Aid Office, using the official college Appeal Form, and include documentation to support the reason for granting an appeal.

Appeals cannot be processed if the student is placed on Academic Suspension with the Academic Affairs’ Office.

The Satisfactory Academic Progress standing can be appealed when one of the following conditions exists:

  • Illness or injury of the student
  • Illness, injury, or death of a family member
  • Natural Disasters  i.e.: floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes
  • Criminal acts inflicted on the student or student’s family. For example: terrorism, kidnapping, or theft.
  • Military involvement i.e.: draft or US service duty
  • Emotional problems supported by documentation from a counseling agency, counselor or psychiatrist.
  • Documented errors of an official designated representative of the Vice President of Academic Affairs resulting in unacceptable academic progress.
  • Legal entanglements  i.e.: divorce, child custody, extended jury duty or bankruptcy

Students will be informed within fifteen (15) business days of the appeal decision once all documents are received.

Appeal Supporting Documentation

Required documentation to be submitted with an appeal may include but is not limited to:

  • A signed statement from the student explaining her reasons for not meeting SAP.
  • Statement from third party familiar with the student’s circumstances and/or
  • Documentation from the student’s physician in cases of illness or injury and/or
  • Documentation from the student’s academic advisor or course professors and/or
  • Insurance claim and/or.
  • Police reports and/or.
  • Death certificate.

Approved Appeals

Students will be placed on Financial Aid Probation with an academic plan if the appeal is approved. Students may remain eligible to receive aid while on probation with an academic plan as long as they meet the conditions of the plan which are detailed in the SAP Contract. Students may appeal again if not meeting the academic plan but must demonstrate that the circumstances that caused the initial problem have changed significantly.


Students will be notified of financial aid suspension and appeal status via email to their BridgeValley student email address.

Glossary of Terms

  • Academic Plan- A plan developed by the institution and the student to ensure that the student can meet the institution’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards by a specific point in time.
  • Academic Year - An academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters and may include a following summer session.
  • Direct Loan – federal loan funds borrowed from the U.S. Department of Education which must be repaid with interest once the student graduates or falls below half-time status.
  • Federal Work-study - A federal need-based work program available to many students if they follow this policy.
  • GPA - The cumulative Grade Point Average is reported in the Banner Student System. The GPA used in calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress must include credits that may not be calculated in an academic GPA, examples including but not limited to, developmental courses, academic forgiveness, transfer credits etc. Students must have a   GPA consistent with graduation requirements.
  • Hours Attempted - We count, in hours attempted, every credit hour one has ever taken at a college or university of higher education.  The hours attempted include only those hours from colleges and universities from which BridgeValley accepts credit.
  • Hours Passed - These are semester hours for courses where a grade of D or better has been earned.
  • Maximum Time Frame - The maximum hours allowed for a degree or certificate.
  • Pace - A measure of a student’s progress toward completion of his or her program of study which compares hours earned to hours attempted, expressed as a fraction.
  • Pell - A federal need-based grant available to eligible students if they follow this policy.
  • Probation Status - The status granted after a successful appeal.
  • Qualitative component - The specified GPA, or other comparable assessment measured against a norm, that a student must have at each SAP evaluation.
  • Quantitative component - The pace at a student must progress through his or her program of study to ensure that he or she will graduate within the maximum time frame.
  • SAP Contract - the SAP contract lists the detailed terms and conditions based on the academic plan that must be met each semester by the student to remain eligible for financial aid.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress - Satisfactory progress is compliance with the academic progress policy as stated in this document.  The policy has three major components: GPA, pace, and maximum time frame.
  • Semester - A semester is one academic term which may be defined as fall, spring or summer term or combined parts of term.
  • Warning - A status a school assigns to a student who is failing to make satisfactory academic progress. The school reinstates eligibility for aid for one payment period and may do so without a student appeal.

Proof of Attendance

Once the data is collected and a student is identified as not attending, then a Proof of Attendance (or POA) requirement will be established in Banner and a “bad” academic progress code will be posted to their student record until such time as a student can verify attendance. POA forms will require students to obtain signatures of all faculty members for all classes in which they are registered. Students taking online classes may route an electronic form for faculty signature. The student must attend one full week’s worth of classes before faculty sign the POA form. Once the student provides the signed POA form to the Financial Aid Office, the POA requirement will be satisfied (in Banner), the academic progress code changed to the previous code and the student’s aid disbursed. Students who have not satisfied POA will be dropped for non-payment and removed from class rosters. Students not on class rosters will not be permitted to attend class, nor will they be permitted to reinstate their classes.